Kolej Pengajian Islam Johor (MARSAH) under Department of Muamalat and IRCIEF Kolej Universiti Islam Selangor (KUIS) has collaborated in organizing 2nd Islamic Finance Intellectual Discourse (IFID 2018). It was a three-day intellectual discource with prominent scholars in Islamic Finance. The theme for this year is related with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
The discourse was officiated by our CEO, Prof Dr Mohd Som Sujimon. The keynote address was delivered by Prof Datuk Dr Mohd Azmi Omar - President and CEO of INCEIF. Among the honorable speakers are from Bank Negara, ISRA, IIUM Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance, Chief Shariah Officer of Bank Rakyat and Chief of Shariah-Compliance of Bank Islam.
IFID 2018 has been attended by academicians, paractitioners and students.
Department of Muamalat KPIJ Marsah is represented by our lecturers and students. The topics discussed were vast and diverse covering every part of Islamic finance such as the Shariah governance, Islamic capital market, Value-Based Intermediation (VBI), and poverty alleviation.
Credit photos: DOM Marsah and IRCIEF KUIS